Deborah has committed her life to transformation…

Deborah Wiener is more than just a seasoned entrepreneur; she's a beacon of transformation and resilience. Growing up amidst severe neglect, abuse, and trauma, Deborah embarked on a courageous healing journey, reclaiming her body, mind, and spirit. Instead of allowing her past to define her, she transformed her trauma into a symbol of strength, fueling her relentless pursuit of self-empowerment and personal growth. Harnessing her own transformative journey, Deborah emerged as a practitioner dedicated to helping others not only heal but also reach their highest potential, enabling them to live a life of empowerment, success, and abundance.

With over 36 years of entrepreneurial experience, Deborah has forged a path of remarkable achievement. She is an Intuitive Business Consultant. As an international best-selling author, speaker, shaman, Reiki master, Western Feng Shui master, Spiritual Response Technique (SRT) practitioner, and Distinguished Toastmaster, she brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to her practice. Leveraging her diverse skill set, Deborah utilizes Energetic Feng Shui™, Human Design, and foundational success systems to design and restructure businesses for unparalleled success. By strategically placing individuals in roles where they can thrive, she cultivates environments that are not only conducive to productivity but also foster creativity and motivation. Deborah's unparalleled approach yielded remarkable results, evidenced by an impressive 88% increase in business revenues within just 8 months.

Book Your Free 30-Minute Consultation Now!

Who I Work With

Deborah works with a diverse range of clients from various backgrounds and professions, including CEOs, executives, board members, managers, entrepreneurs, medical and legal professionals, philanthropists, authors, psychotherapists, and many more. Whether you're a seasoned leader, an aspiring entrepreneur, or a professional navigating a career transition, Deborah welcomes individuals from all walks of life with open arms.

Her clientele comprises a vibrant tapestry of individuals who are committed to personal growth, professional excellence, and holistic well-being. Regardless of your title or profession, if you're seeking clarity, empowerment, and transformation, Deborah is here to support you every step of the way.


What People Are Saying…

"Working with Deborah has been a game-changer for me and my business. As a CEO, I found myself struggling with hiring decisions and managing my team effectively. Deborah's expertise and guidance were instrumental in helping me overcome these challenges and build an A+ team.

With her keen insight and strategic approach, Deborah evaluated our company's employees and key team members, identifying areas for improvement and opportunities for growth. She provided invaluable consultation and support as we made crucial decisions to restructure our team.

One of the most impactful changes we made was putting the right person in the right position with the right compensation, thanks to Deborah's guidance. She helped me overcome my reluctance to let go of employees who were no longer serving the company's goals and facilitated the process of bringing in new talent.

Through Deborah's support and expertise, we were able to restructure our team effectively, resulting in increased efficiency, productivity, and ultimately, profits. I am incredibly grateful for Deborah's partnership and guidance, and I highly recommend her services to any business leader seeking to optimize their team and achieve greater success."”

— Martin W.

"Working with Deborah has been nothing short of transformative. Before our sessions, I felt limited in my career as a masseuse, unsure of how to attract high-end clientele and elevate my income. However, through Deborah's guidance and support, I experienced a profound shift in perspective.

With Deborah's insights and encouragement, I began to see the vast potential that lay before me. She helped me expand my vision of what was possible and empowered me to step into my fullest potential. As a result, I started attracting Hollywood elite and high-end clientele, taking my income from mediocre to wild success.”

— M. Howard Jr.


“I was struggling with my romantic relationships for a while, no one seemed to click. After just two sessions I was able to recognize the energy I was bringing to the dating arena. I entered a beautiful, harmonious relationship with a successful, compatible partner who I can see myself spending the rest of my life with.

Thanks Deborah!

— Jerry E.